{sdcms:loop top="0" table="sd_ad" where="where ispic=1 and followid=7" order="id asc"} {/sdcms:loop}


LONGJI Products
{@sdcms:loop table="sd_Class" top="0" where="where followid=48" order="ordnum desc"}


    {sdcms:loop table="sd_Class" top="0" where="where followid={@id}" order="ordnum desc"}
  • {title}
  • {/sdcms:loop}
{sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="4" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(59)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}
{title len="30"}

{jj len="120"}



{sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="10" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(60)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}
{title len="20"}
    {sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="5" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(50)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}
  • {title len="30"}
  • {/sdcms:loop}
    {sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="10" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(62)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}
  • {title len="28"}
  • {/sdcms:loop}
{sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="1" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(61)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1 and ispic=1" Order="adddate desc"}

{title len="30"}

{jj len="120"}详情>>

    {sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="6" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(61)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}
  • {adddate date="yyyy-mm-dd"}{title len="40"}
  • {/sdcms:loop}
{sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="8" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(55)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}
{title len="30"}
{jj len="100"}


| Partner
{sdcms:loop table="sd_info" top="8" where="where classid in({sdcms:allclassid(63)}) and ispass=1 and iscreate=1" Order="adddate desc"}